Missouri Allis-Chalmers Club, Inc.
MO A-C Club Promotional Items
T-shirts and Hoodies
Window Decals
We now have Missouri-shaped decals you can show your A-C pride with! There are three styles: two feature different A-C emblems and the third has our own Club insignia. They are $10 each, or three for $25. We’ll have them at future meetings.
Screen-printed or Embroidered Logos
If you would like a shirt with our logo on it, contact Danny Friedrich. If you have a shirt or jacket, contact Michael Crowe about having our logo embroidered on it. Prices vary based on size and color; shipping & handling will apply if you want them to mail you the shirts.
Name Badges
$10.72 + $4.00 for each drop down bar
Screened Logo For T-shirts and Jackets
Embroidered Logo For T-shirts and Jackets
See the order form below for complete pricing information. T-shirts range in price from $8.50 to $16.50, jackets are $40.00, and name badges are $10.72 + $4.00 for each drop down bar. The only available options on the drop down bars are for "Charter Member" or for an officer position. The drop down bars are optional.
The approximate cost of the embroidery will be $16.50 for pocket size or $28.00 for a full-size logo on the back. Contact Michael (816-898-7277) for more information.
NOTE: Shirts are currently not available. Stay tuned for more information on MO A-C Club merchandise.
Click Here For Order Form (PDF)
Click Here For Order Form (MS Word doc)
Send payment to:
Michael Crowe
Missouri Allis Chalmers Club, Inc.
145 E. Main
P.O. Box 491
Adrian, MO 64720